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Here’s What Lasell Students Are Wishing For This Holiday Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In the harsh landscape of adulthood, there’s little opportunity for receiving gifts. Outside of birthdays or anniversaries (for those lucky few), the holidays are the only other time it’s socially acceptable to ask for presents. Once you hit adulthood though, there’s no more writing down wishlists. It takes a little bit of the magic out of the holidays. So to bring back a bit of fun, I asked some students at Lasell what was on their holiday wishlists! If you’re shopping for a college student, you’re sure to get some great gift ideas. 

The Expensive Types

The holidays are a great time of year to ask for things you either can’t afford alone or refuse to spend your own money on. For some, the sky’s the limit!

Olivia: “Doc Martens.”

Celeste: “A car, a million dollars…”

Madison: “I’ve always wanted an XBox.” 

The Realists

For some, the holidays are a great time to ask for things you haven’t got around to picking up. These are gifts you know you need in your life. 

Isabelle: “A new 2023 agenda.”

Kyra: “Winter boots and a spinning mop.”

Keyle: “A new iPhone case.”

Ally: “A tripod for my photography.”

The Tech Heads

With so much new technology released every year and stellar Cyber Monday deals, it’s no surprise so many people asked for new gadgets. 

Carley: “An IPad for taking notes. I’m tired of wasting paper!”

Yali: “AirPods Max!!”

Arianah: “Money, and a polaroid camera printer.”

Gianna: “An IPad so I can draw.”

The Simple Pleasures

Finally, we have the people who just asked for random items or experiences. These range from comfort items to fun accessories!

Ceci: “Converse cause they’re cool.”

Jade: “Chewy Chips Ahoy, that shit is good!”

Audrey: “A Taylor Swift charm bracelet. I can afford it. I’m just too lazy to buy it. I was going to say concert tickets but that’s too much.”

Ray: “I’m a stuffed animal adult so I want the 10th-year anniversary Duolingo plush and one of those hanging stuffed animal nets.”

Tori: “Fuzzy socks!”

Cealan: “I want to go to a wine and paint night.”

What do I want? Well, you’ll just have to ask!

Julia LaPlante is the Vice President and Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Lasell. She oversees and assissts and E and S boards as well as the copy editing team. Away from Her Campus, Julia is a senior English major at Lasell. She works at Lasell's library as she studies towards her Masters in Library and Information Science. In her free time, Julia enjoys reading gothic literature, watching nerdy television shows, and walking in nature. Julia deeply believes in the importantce of mindfulness and chocolate to ones attitude.