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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In the Fall of 2021, I arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed to the Lasell Student Activities Fair. I perused the aisles of welcoming smiles and sign up sheets, before landing in front of a very pink table. After a short intro from two very nice women, I put my name down on the sheet. The rest is history. 

Her Campus is the singular club I have been in every single year at Lasell. While other extracurricular have come and gone, Her Campus has become a home to me. In my first year, I was immediately welcomed with open arms. Now alums, Yali, Ariana, Kyra, Alexis, and Hannah all made sure I knew that this was a fun, loving community to join. I immediately loved that I could write about what I wanted, and what I found important. By my second year I was already taking on more responsibility and becoming an editor. Then, I had the honor of becoming Editor-In-Chief, and Vice President. In these roles, I get to be the person who welcomes newcomers in and makes sure they know everyone is welcome. 

I have met some of my dearest friends through Her Campus, who have made my time here at Lasell so amazing. Bonding nights brought us closer together and gave me ties to this community. There has always been a friendly face in the dining hall, at events, and passing me on the sidewalk. Without Her Campus, I probably wouldn’t know anyone outside of my major. Now I know brilliant women studying everything from Forensics to Education. I get to learn from them every week. Not only about the amazing plans they have for their futures, but what brings them joy and motivates them daily. Every playlist, tier ranking, review, and story have been a pleasure to read. 

Speaking of, I’d like to thank everyone who has taken a few minutes out of their day to read the wonderful articles my team and I have written, edited, and published. So much work and care goes into our club behind the scenes, and knowing people care about what we have to say makes everything worth it. Thank you for listening to me ramble about books, and libraries, and everything else under the sun. It has been an absolute pleasure writing for you. 

Julia LaPlante is the Vice President and Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Lasell. She oversees and assissts and E and S boards as well as the copy editing team. Away from Her Campus, Julia is a senior English major at Lasell. She works at Lasell's library as she studies towards her Masters in Library and Information Science. In her free time, Julia enjoys reading gothic literature, watching nerdy television shows, and walking in nature. Julia deeply believes in the importantce of mindfulness and chocolate to ones attitude.