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Empowering Women Series: Hometown Friend Anita Ghodsi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Everyone needs that one adventurous Aries friend.  I’m talking about the whole package. If they were a pack of candy they’d be so sweet, you’d have a cavity in seconds. They’re bold and fearless individuals who take their friends on thrilling adventures and love to have heartwarming conversations. My lovely Aries is my hometown friend Anita Ghodsi. 


If Mr. Rogers had a twin sister, it would be Anita. Her friendly and extroverted personality is the reason we met. I was a new student in a new town, and Anita welcomed me by pulling out a random chair and telling me to sit there. Although I was questioning that greeting, I’m grateful that I sat in that chair. Little did I know I would become friends with the rarest orchid in the garden. 


If I could write a book about how thankful I am to have this charming person in my life, it would be a long book series. 


No matter where we go in the world, she makes friends. We could be standing in the line for insomnia cookies and she would already have become friends with the whole line of people behind us.


Her boldness craves the adventures of a lifetime. Whether that’s climbing water towers, hiking up ice cold mountains, or swinging off the side of a mountain, this girl has done it all and will continue to do so. Even if she does get chills and sweats beforehand, she runs right past those feelings for the thrills. Spending time with Anita will make you feel like you’re living in a movie.

When gloomy times show up, Anita pushes through. Through heartbreaks and toxic people, she remains on top. She carries herself in a way that projects self-love and confidence . As a biology major, she fights her way through tough assignments and projects. When inner challenges rain out of nowhere, she plants her seeds and blooms into a better and stronger version of herself. If the rose from Beauty and the Beast was a real person, it’d be Anita.

Jade Diaz

Lasell '23

Jade is a Senior at Lasell, majoring in Fashion Merchandising and Management. She adores figurative art, and enjoys being creative in any way possible. She is sneaker- obsessed and loves the world of fashion. One fun fact is that her dog Finn, is named after a Star Wars character named FN-2187.