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DIY Dorm Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Every winter I look forward to the first snowfall, cuddling up with a mug of cocoa, and the luxury of living in big sweatshirts.  By the time that February rolls around however, I have full- fledged cabin fever. Since I do not have control over my outdoor environment, I have hunted for ways to recreate my indoor environment.  Check out the following do-it-yourself activities that can transform your room.  Sometimes a tiny change in your surroundings can make a big change in your mood!

The first way to transform your space is re-evaluating the way your room is lit.  Many craft stores sell battery-run candles that can be placed in new spaces to shift the ambiance.  Since the 90’s are back (yay!), here are a few creative ideas to recycle cassette tapes and make them into lighting fixtures and storage spaces.  

Up-cycle mason jars by painting them to coordinate with your room’s colors.  Most mason jars will easily store pencils, pens, makeup, nail polishes, or jewelry.  

Wall decorations are key to making your space appear smaller or larger.  Create some perspective with wall decals.  A more economical option?  Grab some of your favorite color samples from a local paint store and use the gradation to your artistic advantage.  

Hints of spring can be introduced to your room through a potted plant.  Lavender, Orchids, Aloe Vera plants, and “money trees” can be found at the Home Depot.  Lavender creates a calming fragrance, and aloe is nature’s anti-inflammatory.  All of the plants listed do not have to be watered often and can maintain themselves indoors.  

Re-disperse your jewelry collection by creating a hanging wall display.  All you need is a few branches, a tack, and fishing wire!

To create more space, consider what you have worn for the past six months.  If there are many items of clothing that you know you do not wear, consider storing or donating them.  With more storage space, you will feel organized and ready to create.  Happy decorating!