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Dan Raffol

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Dan Raffol

Age: 20

Year: 2015

Major: Marketing, Minor in Communications

Hometown: Natick, MA

 HC: What is your Favorite food?

DR: Buffalo Chicken Calzone w/ blue cheese on the side of courseHC: What is your favorite movie?

DR: Lion King

 HC: What is your dream job?

DR: I don’t have one.  I would like to get up every morning and be happy to go to wherever I work.

 HC: What are you involved with on campus?

DR: Leadership Scholar Program, SAAC, and Captain of Men’s Volleyball HC: Do you have any quirky habbits?

DR: I set 5-10 alarms for the morning

 HC: What are some items on your bucket list?

DR: Camp at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, Volunteer Project in another country, meet Eric Thomas, and die happy.

HC: Are you single or taken?

DR: Single                                                                                                           

HC: What’s the best pickup line you’ve ever used/heard ?

DR: You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.

HC: Describe your ideal date.

DR: Start off volunteering somewhere in the morning: TBD.  Then with something physical such as rock-climbing, hiking, walk through a rainforest/nature or something along those lines for the afternoon.  Next, I’m hoping there will be a beach nearby with paradise quality features (water, weather, sand etc).  Relax in the beautiful water and enjoy the weather with good company.  Then walk the beach as the sun goes down.  I’ll be extremely hungry by this point in time.  Switch over to the pool with a swim up bar for appetizers- Buffalo wings and a Shirley Temple- don’t question it.  Change into sweatpants and a comfy shirt for dinner.  We’ll sit in the middle of a very big and top notch restaurant that we rented out just for us.  Yes, there will be candles and we can discuss the background music.  The food has yet to be determined.  Next up will be a movie in a private movie theater but there will be a ridiculously comfy couch instead of uncomfortable standard seats.  Yes, there will be coffee ice cream- don’t worry.  The remainder of the night is completely up in the air at the moment.

 HC: What do you find most attractive in a girl?

DR: Self-motivated, being humble, athletic, health conscious, and personality.

HC: Who’s your celebrity crush? 

DR: Emma Stone, Mila Kunis, & Amber Heard