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Confessions from a “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” Addict

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Hi, my name is Danie, and I am a “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” addict.

I already know what you’re thinking. “Didn’t that game come out two years ago?” Yes, yes it did. I played for a little bit when it came out, quit, and then when I got a new phone last year I started playing again.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t stopped since. I climbed all the way up to #1 on the A-List, and then restarted the game and recently made it back from the E-List to #1, again. My family and friends say I have a problem. But what’s my deal? I don’t even like the Kardashians. I’ve never liked the Kardashians. I don’t obsess over the girl’s looks, who they’re dating, what they’ve posted on Instagram; and I definitely don’t like Kanye West. If I’m not a fan of the Kardashians, why am I a fan of the Kardashian iPhone game?

It’s simple. It’s a virtual reality game. You get to complete tasks, interact with other famous people, and try to be famous yourself. You can buy clothes for your avatar to wear and make them look gorgeous for an event where you hang out with a prince (hey, it’s happened). In a way, you can live a fake dream through the game. It’s nice to be famous in the game, but you still know that you’re a normal person in real life. If you’ve ever played “Sims”, you’ll know how alike these games are.

Games are fun to play. Some people will play “Solitaire” on their phone while waiting for someone or if they’re bored. I choose to play “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood”. It’s something to do when you have five minutes of spare time, and I enjoy playing it. And I know that it’s just a game. Doesn’t everyone like games?


Danie is a 2018 graduate of Lasell College. She served as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Lasell for two years, and wrote all four years. Danie also worked for Her Campus as a Community Management intern for two semesters, and was a National Feature Writer for six months. Danie studied Communication with concentrations in Journalism and Public Relations. She is currently seeking opportunities in the editorial or music industry. Follow her on all platforms at @raniedoberts and check out her website, raniedoberts.com.