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Black History Month: Why Its More Important Than Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Black History Month began as a remembrance of important Black figures and major historical events in history. Celebrating the efforts and achievements of the African American community. This month holds special importance to many all over the country. It’s a month where we acknowledge the trials and tribulations that helped mold our society to what it is now, and where it’s going in the future. After this trying year, where division is imminent, we need time to reflect and see how much we have overcome and used it as a roadmap for the future. A clear example was the summer of 2020. In those months, Black Lives Matter protests were large in numbers and all over the country. The Black Lives movement was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of the murderer of Trayvon Martin. It’s a global organization in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Its mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities.

 Although the movement has always been in the media, it gained the spotlight in the summer of 2020. In response to the murder of George Floyd, America came in unity to display to the country that this type of behavior will no longer be tolerated anymore. Now that we have spent the past year in isolation, staring at our screens more than ever, we have the time to learn more about our past. We can use the resources at our fingerprints to attain information on ways to be more educated. 2020 was the year where many took the time to understand themselves further since many had the time. Well now it’s 2021 and COVID-19 is still a real problem. so why don’t we take the time to further pursue our education and understand movement? Since we have had so much time on our screens, there are so many resources readily available to better inform ourselves. 

February shouldn’t be the only time we celebrate Black lives. Black lives matter all year long, so it should be acknowledged with greater depth all year long. There are many ways to celebrate Black History months or to just appreciate Black lives in general. Some ways to support are by buying from Black-owned businesses, donate to a Black Lives organization, read a book by or about a Black author, or explore and appreciate the Black culture. One of the best things anyone can do is educate themselves on how to properly appreciate and understand the movement and why it’s so important.

Hello there! I am Yalines Medrano and I am a Forensic Science major at Lasell University with the class of 2024. I am from Peabody, Massachusetts and I love to read, watch anime, and hang out with friends! I am so excited to be involved in HER Campus!