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Best Ways to Play Your Part and Be More Environmentally Friendly, Even As a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In honor of Earth Day, Her Campus Lasell is committed to living sustainably not just for the one day, but every day (because the Earth is literally dying).  Where do you even begin?  This week we will be breaking down how to live sustainably in every aspect of life–  style, beauty, college life, and yes even in your relationships. So sit back, relax, and get ready to make the switch to eco-friendly. 

 “Everyone needs to do their part to save the environment.” Sure, we’ve only heard that same saying ten million times, even more, if it’s close to Earth day, but we are never told how to do that. When you’re a college student, lots of things can be hard. Staying healthy, keeping up with friendships and relationships, and being able to be part of different organizations on campus, all while keeping your grades pristine, can sometimes be a real challenge. So you may think, “how do I do all of these things AND save the planet at the same time?” Well, it might be easier than you thought. Here are some tips and tricks to be both a college student and an earth protector.

1. Use your laptop for studying purposes instead of a notebook

Google Docs and Quizlet are there for a reason. Taking notes on your laptop instead of a notebook or using Quizlet instead of note cards, helps you save the environment by not using paper like you would with a notebook. Plus, using your laptop is always convenient, because you can take it with you wherever you go, as opposed to forgetting your notebook. You can also find many planner apps for your phone, instead of having a paper planner.

2. Compost in the cafeteria

~Here at Lasell, we have a composting bin near the dishwasher for when we empty our plates after eating. Composting allows us to not waste our leftover food and help the environment in many different ways.

3. Recycle

~This is one of the most common ways for everyone to help the environment, not just college students. Around campus, there are plenty of recycling bins. Take advantage of using them and saving the environment.

4. Go to a rally

~There are plenty of different rallies about the environment and what we can do to save it. Join the rally and encourage others to fight for a greener planet.


5. Buy recycled products

~The world is really starting to be more green. One of the biggest things the world has implemented recently is objects made from other objects. You can find almost anything that is a recycled object these days. Using different objects and materials to make new objects is one of the easiest ways to stay green.

Happy Earth Day everyone!


Anna Wall

Lasell '22

Lasell University Event Management Student, Class of 2022. She loves llamas, event planning, and country music :)