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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Most often when you are scrolling through Instagram you’re seeing one heavily edited picture after another. These pictures are being brought to life and give off a different vibe based on the way they were edited. Instagram is not reality, but rather how we choose to project the life that we live or the life we want others to believe we live. 

Having a theme for your Instagram feed is quite common across the board for those on this type of social media. Your Instagram feed theme can consist of similar types of pictures that you post, cohesive colors and filters, etc. If you are someone looking for some apps to elevate your Instagram then keep on reading!


This app was designed by a female entrepreneur, Tessa Barton, who has created this app with the hopes of having everyone achieve their dream aesthetic. She has created presets that can be used to edit photos and videos so you can keep a consistent feed that stands out. There are a number of different edits and presets available as well as subscriptions to more features beyond what she provides in the free version. 


This is an app perfect for anyone really looking to build up a consistent posting schedule or for those who use Instagram as part of their job. It can get frustrating thinking of new content to post and trying to plan out what looks best with what you already have on your feed. This app lets you link to your Instagram account and upload a variety of different photos, changing the arrangement and seeing what looks best where. You can also plan captions ahead of time and schedule posts directly to Instagram! 


In 2021, Instagram stories are just as important as the feed itself. The stories and highlights you can save on your feed are a great way to engage with your followers and keep up with the little things going on in your daily life. This app provides a plethora of templates for your story posts or even Instagram reels, with different types of collage, photo, and video editors. Overall this app has tons of great options to make your Instagram stories pop! 


Have you tried any of the apps I discussed in this article? Do you have any other social media editing apps that I should try? Let me know in the comments below!

Julia McNicol is a junior at Lasell University studying Fashion Media and Marketing with a minor in Journalism. She loves exploring the city, shopping, and watching a good rom-com! Her Instagram can be found at @juliamcnicol as well as @juliashannonxoxo for fashion-specific content.