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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

A hotly debated topic, but this is the *only* acceptable top 10…

S6 E17: The One with Unagi

S5 E11: The One with All the Resolutions

S7 E2: The One with Rachel’s Book

S6 E11: The One with the Apothecary Table

S5 E2: The One with All the Kissing

S10 E9: The One with the Birth Mother

S5 E19: The One Where Ross Can’t Flirt

S6 E9: The One Where Ross Got High

S2 E10: The One with Russ

S4 E6: The One with the Dirty Girl

Emily Watson

Lancaster '20

Linguistics and English Language 👩🏼‍🎓