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How To: Valentine’s Day For The Single Ones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Got the dating blues? Does it seem like there are couples everywhere you look? Don’t fear! Here are my top 5 things to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re single:

1. Bake a cake…or two! Although, maybe avoid those heart-shaped tins and cases you bought last year.  Scrumptious cakes will fill your kitchen with delicious scents and not forgetting that they will provide an ample snack for later.

2. Do you have equally single friends? Why not invite them round for girl’s night! Girly night in with a few bottles of wine and some bouncy, up-beat music to sing and dance to in the background can beat any night with a boy. You never know, this girl’s night could lead to getting dressed up to the nines and hitting the town! Whether you are staying in or going out, it doesn’t matter as long as you have good company.

3. Run a bubble bath and just relax with a good book, however try stay away from the chicklit!

4. Disney-time! This is everyone’s guilty pleasure; there is no romantic comedy better than a good Disney film. Maybe then you can wish upon a star that someday your Prince will come…

5. Cake time! Maybe some pizza, then possibly ice cream for afterwards… Who’s to judge?!? This day is yours to enjoy whether you’re single or not!

My name is Hannah Hobson and I am currently studying English Language at Lancaster University with an ambition to become a fashion journalist.