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How to Enjoy Lancaster in the Winter Months

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

It can be hard to beat the winter blues thanks to cold days and a pile of deadlines but we reckon that winter is one of the best seasons to be at Lancaster. Here’s some ideas for December and beyond to make the next few months not just bearable, but enjoyable!

Enjoy being in town:

Ice skating is always a favourite amongst students and this year is no exception. The rink is open from 23rd November – 5th January, so book a slot for you and a group of friends at: https://lancasteronice.co.uk/

Source: https://www.theboroughlancaster.co.uk/lancaster-ice-2018/


WIlliamson Park

Williamson Park Butterfly House isn’t an obvious choice during the cold season, but if you’re dreaming of a winter beach break then the tropical climate inside might be the next best thing you can find in Lancaster. £3 entry, open daily 10am-4pm.


Christmas Lights

Make sure you check out all the newly lit Christmas lights: they officially mark the start of the holidays (which means Christmas songs are now acceptable).


Christmas at the Castle

Make the most of the Christmas build up by visiting Christmas at the Castle on 14th December. There’ll be some festive stalls and markets in store for you and it’s your last chance to do some Christmas shopping before heading home for the term!


The Lake District

If you’re feeling a bit battered by the elements after all those long windy walks to lectures, get out for the day so you can really appreciate just how pretty winter can be. We recommend a day trip to the Lake District which is super accessible by train, especially Kendal and Lake Windermere.

Photo by Katie Jowett on Unsplash



One of the best parts of winter is that cosy feeling of sitting in a coffee shop and sipping hot chocolate, so take your pick from Lancaster’s friendly and very Instagram-able offering including The Herbarium, Brew Espresso Eatery, The Hall and The Music Room.Source: https://www.visitlancashire.com/food-and-drink/the-hall-p681270​


Don’t forget to enjoy being on campus: it shouldn’t all be hard work!

A happy mindset starts with a happy space, so get yourself into a wintery mood by treating yourself to a knitted throw, fairy lights or winter scented candle. Support your local retailers at the Farmers Market in town on Saturday mornings or perhaps Primark’s gorgeous winter homeware range takes your fancy.

Photo by Ellieelien on Unsplash


The Library

Once you’ve transformed your room into the perfect cosy winter hideaway, get yourself down to the library A floor, where there’s an array of non-fiction reading books on offer. Swap scrolling through social media for reading a book chapter- it’ll help with mindfulness and give your eyes a break from typing your coursework!


Winter Balls and Christmas Meals

One great thing about Lancaster’s collegiate system are the annual Winter Balls- a chance for you to get glammed up and celebrate with your college family. Or if you’re sporty, make sure you get a spot at your sports team’s Christmas meal – they’re a great opportunity to get dressed up and reflect on achievements so far.


Flat Dinners

Perhaps the stress of deadlines means you haven’t seen your flatmates much recently, in which case a bit of flat bonding is in order. Getting together to cook a roast dinner can be a great way to iron out any issues and help people through that nearly-end-of-term homesickness.


After Christmas

You may be feeling a little out of sorts in January after all the Christmas excitement has died down… but you should make the most of your lighter beginning of term workload and invite some friends from home to stay. Friends are a failsafe mood booster and they can experience the joys of Lancaster at Week 1 opening parties in town!


Anna Dakin

Lancaster '20

Final year Languages & LEC student at Lancaster.
Currently a 3rd (and final!) year English Literature and Creative Writing student at Lancaster University.