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Do You Know How To Make Your Halloween Party The Best?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Do you want your party to be the place to be this Halloween? If this is the case and you want people to be wishing that they had received an invite then follow my five top tips to ensure that you throw the most memorable Halloween bash ever.


First things first, your choice of costume is arguably the most vital part of the whole. As host, you need to set an example to your guests and set the standard with your costume. You want people to look and stare, but not for all the wrong reasons like what we saw on Mean Girls with Kady Heron. No, the trick is to find the right balance between scary and stylish. If you ask me, you can’t go wrong with the classics.  Take zombies for example, you can literally be a dead version of anything! We have seen dead nurses and dead school girls, but how about take a character from a popular film and go as a zombie version of that character? No one has seen a dead version of Harry Potter, or have they? Just simply step outside the box whilst deciding on your character, before simply smearing as much fake blood over a pale, powdered face, coupled with some heavy, dark eye shadow. Done!


In terms of decorations, you need to be careful that it doesn’t start to look like a kid’s party. Put down the bowl of sweets and take the statue with the spooky noises away from your front door . Instead, I’d go down the haunted house route. It’s all about cobwebs, lanterns and creepy characters! Throw in a pumpkin or two as well, no one is ever too old for a bit of pumpkin carving. This way, you’re giving your friends a party with an authentic venue to remember, what more could they want?

3.Sticking To The Theme

If you really want to impress, you should go all out and make sure everything in and around the party has a hint of Halloween. By this, I mean things like plastic themed cups, Halloween themed nibbles and maybe even a punch! This doesn’t have to be expensive, so don’t panic if you’re on a budget. With plastic cups, you could draw your own quirky little Halloween pictures and stick them on, or head on over to Pound land. It’s sometimes the little things that gives your party that memorable factor, the things most people are more likely to forget.


The key to any party is a great playlist, I’m talking tune after tune. With it being a Halloween themed party, this might be a little trickier than usual, but it’s still achievable. You just need to find the right mix between classic songs that have that scary edge and still a considerable amount of tunes that everyone just loves at the moment. If you get a playlist going that no one can resist singing and dancing along to, your guests are sure to have a blast.


By the time the party’s in full swing, you’ll be hoping that your guests can entertain themselves. To start things off though, you could get the ball rolling by playing a few drinking games. This could include the classics that you play at every other party, or you could even come up with some Halloween themed ones too. A good one could be that everyone has a go at telling the story of what they did last Halloween, but with a list of words that they aren’t allowed to say i.e ‘party’, ‘drinks’, ‘sweets’ etc. The rule is that they have to drink every time they slip up and say one of the words!

So, this has been my guide to a party your friends will never ever forget. Good luck and here’s to the best Halloween yet!

My name is Hannah Hobson and I am currently studying English Language at Lancaster University with an ambition to become a fashion journalist.