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Campus Cutie: Sarah Sutton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.


Name: Sarah Sutton

Age: 19

Hometown: Tunbridge Wells

Degree: English Literature

Year: 2nd

College: Furness

Relationship Status: Single

A bit about you:  

So, how do you feel about being this week’s Campus Cutie?

100% okay.


What is your favourite thing about university?   

I like learning about a subject I’m passionate about, and I’ve met some really cool people.


Are you a member of any societies?

Yes – Bailrigg FM, mountaineering, and Water Aid. I joined lots last year but my subject actually counts this time around so I shouldn’t do too much.


What else do you like to get up to in your spare time?    

Chilling, eating, sleeping, dozing, and interacting with others.


Do you have any nicknames?

Sazatron and Sar-rooooar are the main ones. People used to call me Sazah.


How would your friends describe you in three words?   

Energetic, emotional and earnest.


On to the guys:  

What do you look for in a guy?   

Someone with a cool personality, but not cool as in ‘cold’. Also, someone who’s ambitious, kind and who has similar fandoms that we can discuss in detail.   


What is your favourite chat up line?   

I use the language of dance to express myself instead. Normally, they’re like “ok, she’s dancing around, cool.”


Any celebrity crushes?   

Who’s that long jump winner? Yeah, I dig his enthusiasm. He’s pretty hot, he’s always smiling and like “I’m gonna do my best!”. Greg Rutherford, that’s him.


Biggest turn off?   

People who breathe really loudly, really close to you. Or people with greasy hair, when you question if it’s wet hair but it’s actually grease.


What do you think your best feature is?   

I think it’s that I’m friendly.


Moving on to some quirkier questions:  

What three people; dead, alive and fictional, would you invite to a dinner party?   

Dead: there’s a great essay writer who I can’t remember the name of – oh, Montaigne! Alive: Obama, since he seems like a chill dude. And fictional: Death from Discworld, because I think he’d have a lot of interesting opinions about life from the other side, and he appreciates cats.


If you could have a superpower, what would it be?   

I would have the power of healing – I’d like to be able to make a difference. If I was in a universe where everyone had powers, I could self-heal if someone attacked me.


If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?   

It’s getting into summer in Australia at this point so going to a nice Australian beach and drinking cocktails and watching sunsets would be quite nice, but then I’d have to find a job at this beach and I’d be like “what am I going to do with my life?”


If you could be any fictional character for the day who would you be?   

Mystique would be quite cool. I’d be controlling her brain, so I’d be all, “Bye Magneto, I’m going for a day trip,” and then I could do whatever I wanted. Also, would I inherit her Kung Fu prowess because I’ve also wanted to be able to fight people extremely well?


Think fast:  

Dream job: Writer.

Favourite film: Fight Club.

Favourite celebrity: Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Favourite music: Alternative.

Favourite food: Cake.

Favourite animal: Red panda.

Hi! I'm Rhiannon and I'm 20 years old. I busy myself with generally being a student and getting involved with things at uni, including presenting on the radio. In my free time, I make food with yummy recipes, play the ukulele, write my own blog and watch Netflix like a champ.Blog: http://www.rhiangle.blogspot.co.ukTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/rhKnowlesInstagram: https://instagram.com/rhiknowles/
Mother tongue English, fully Italian. Born in Tokyo, lived in Hong Kong, grew up in Milan and currently studying at Lancaster University, UK. Multi lingual, I love to read, write, sing, cook and lead a healthy lifestyle. Her Campus Lancaster Editor in Chief as of April 2014!