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Back To Uni, Now What? How To Organize Your Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

It’s been a long sunny holiday for us all, and I’m sure each and every one of us has lived the summer dream on a land far far away from the cyclone of exams and deadlines. Now, though, we’re all back and ready for a fresh start…or at least trying to be! But, if you’re still struggling to come back to the reality of uni, then here are some tips that will bring your motivation back to the surface and help you sort out your priorities!

1.      A universal rule of thumb is knowing yourself and paving the most suitable roadmap to evolve and get closer to your goals. One of the simplest ways to do this is by creating weekly or even daily lists of what you have to achieve by the end of a given period. Know the deadlines for your assignments, the dates for your meetings, training hours, when parties are going to take place and organize yourself in a realistic way. Having an idea of what is in store for you in the near future makes you realize how busy you are, and upgrades your decision-making process to a more reasonable and efficient version.

2.      “Mens sana in corpore sano”. Uni is supposed to be a mix of learning in all areas, whether it’s a module or a hobby. One of the most popular hobbies are physical activities such as sports. Whether you are part of a team or like practicing on your own, physical training is known to relax you, help you get in shape, improve your stamina, test your limits and even make you more organized. Now that’s quite an exciting list of benefits, isn’t it?

3.      Surround yourself with positive people and strive towards a common goal. Teamwork is loads of fun, be it projects, games or sports. Everyone you meet gives you the opportunity to learn something about the world around you and inside you, and when you have the chance to exchange ideas in a group that is when you become richer in experiences and receive and give the support we all need.

4.      Always stay focused. Whether it is academic, sports or love life, you need to have the discipline to know when to make some compromises in life for the sake of getting an overwhelming satisfaction later. You might not be able to tick all the authors off your reading list, make it to all of the hottest parties, or train as if you were a full-time personal trainer (unless, of course, you are one), but if you find a balance between all of these aspects and stick to a routine, then constant little progress is still progress and it’s way more doable than a universal masterplan.


Mother tongue English, fully Italian. Born in Tokyo, lived in Hong Kong, grew up in Milan and currently studying at Lancaster University, UK. Multi lingual, I love to read, write, sing, cook and lead a healthy lifestyle. Her Campus Lancaster Editor in Chief as of April 2014!