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The All-Natural Friend Detox: 100% Good For You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Since Halloween has already passed and Christmas is still not as close as we’d like it to be, I discovered a new holiday to get excited about in the meantime. I’m talking about the currently trending and, in my opinion, simply genius, National Un-Friend day, that takes place on the 17th of November. Jimmy Kimmel started this silly and quirky “holiday” a few years ago, surely without the intention of it becoming an annual occurrence all over the world.

Thank goodness it did, because, oh my days, words cannot explain how much I can relate to everything this holiday stands for.

We’re scrolling through our Facebook feeds all day, constantly seeing posts that make our eyes twitch, but we take a deep breath and let it go because, well, that’s just how it is, right? Those people who post 120 identical pictures of their babies and children (in a row), or the ones that share all of their mood swings, and heartbreaks, accompanied by song lyrics, of course. 

And let’s not forget those adorable people that keep inviting you to play some random game. No, I will not send you lives on Candy crush, goodbye.

The only reason we tolerate all this nonsense is the simple label “friends” that we put on these people without putting much thought into it. The irony is that while in real life we can count our actual friends on the fingers of one hand, our Facebook friends may well include that weird guy you met at your third cousin’s boyfriend’s birthday party five years ago.

But still, un-friending them makes you feel kind of guilty. That’s where the awesomeness of the National Un-Friend day lies. It simply presents this liberating act of “restrangering” people on social media as something as normal and necessary as spring-cleaning.

So remember those annoyingly perfect and happy couples constantly posting pictures of them doing everything together, or these ridiculously gorgeous people who effortlessly look perfect…

…or the ex boyfriends/girlfriends that you have been low key stalking for a while now

On the 17th of November you get a free pass to detox your newsfeed from all those “unspecial someones”, because, trust me, you don’t need that kind of stress in your life.

Heey guys! I'm Vesela, or just V, and I'm a Bulgarian doing an Advertising and Marketing degree in Lancaster university, UK. My head is basically a jungle of thoughts and doubts, so it makes it easier if I just put everything on paper. 
Mother tongue English, fully Italian. Born in Tokyo, lived in Hong Kong, grew up in Milan and currently studying at Lancaster University, UK. Multi lingual, I love to read, write, sing, cook and lead a healthy lifestyle. Her Campus Lancaster Editor in Chief as of April 2014!