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12 Times Leonardo DiCaprio Knew How Student Life Feels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

On November 11th, the greatest Oscar-less actor on Earth, a.k.a. Leonardo DiCaprio, turns 41. In order to celebrate this momentous occasion, what better than to create a student life-related GIF montage of his beautiful face:

The ‘First Deadline Looming’ Leo:

The ‘Too Tired to Function’ Leo:

The ‘Ice Cream on Special Offer’ Leo:

The ‘Lecturer’s Just Reading off the Slides Again’ Leo:

The ‘Of Course I Know What You’re Talking about, Dearest Seminar Tutor’ Leo:

The ‘I See a Free Computer in the Library’ Leo:

The ‘I’ve Finished all the Reading’ Leo:


The ‘Oh Well I Guess I’ll Do It Tomorrow’ Leo:

The ‘Oh Golly I Seem to Have Ended Up in a Club’ Leo:

The ‘Fatigue/Drinking-induced Deep Thoughts’ Leo:

And finally…

The ‘Ok… It’s Actually Pretty Awesome Here’ Leo:

Happy Birthday Leo. Hopefully one day you’ll get the gift of a tiny golden statue.

Hi! I'm Rhiannon and I'm 20 years old. I busy myself with generally being a student and getting involved with things at uni, including presenting on the radio. In my free time, I make food with yummy recipes, play the ukulele, write my own blog and watch Netflix like a champ.Blog: http://www.rhiangle.blogspot.co.ukTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/rhKnowlesInstagram: https://instagram.com/rhiknowles/
English Language and Linguistics student at Lancaster University, with a passion for all things magazine- be it beauty, fashion, lifestyle, career, reviews! Co-Editor for HerCampus Lancaster. Check out my instagram: conniemaitland