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Where You Should Study On Campus, Based on Your Daily Vibe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

My first semester here at Lafayette has consisted of lots of reading, binging Friends, trips to Lower for Lo Mein… but, more importantly, finding my ideal study spot! As I’ve looked for this perfect location, one that will pique my curiosity and make my 50-page reading assignment (for one class) look somewhat enjoyable, I’ve noticed that my preferred destination relies on my vibe for the day. Allow me, then, to generalize and extend this reality to you all… I’m sure I’m not the only one who switches through preferred study locations and vibes. Here’s your guide to find the perfect spot!


  1. The Boho, Adventurous Girl

 For those days when you’re feeling particularly adventurous, your study spot for the day is ThreeBirds Coffee House, located just a short walk down College Hill. Featuring unique music, delicious pastries, and a beautiful indie atmosphere, this cozy cafe will make your free spirit feel at home while writing that paper!


2. Boss Lady

For all the driven and ambitious ladies out there, Rothkopf Reading Room is the dream study location for you! With a beautiful view of campus and a guaranteed, quiet atmosphere, you can be sure that this spot will take your productivity to the next level. It’s located on the top floor of Skillman Library, with a cafe right below for that much-needed study break. 

3. The Morning Person

When I feel especially inspired or productive, I spend my mornings in Room 226, a (very high in demand) study room on the top floor of Skillman Library. What I love most about this special space is that two out of its four walls are windows, so there is a pretty view of the sun rising and you get the chance to see all of Lafayette waking up!


4. The Outdoorsy Girl

If you’re a lover of fresh air and warm sunshine, the Quad is the perfect study location. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s also serene and a central part of campus so the mood is totally cheery and vibrant! 


5. Mad for Metropolitan

A city girl at heart, or a fan of more modern vibes? Rockwell Integrated Science Center features a modern, contemporary atmosphere with comfy chairs, large windows, novel architecture, and its very own smoothie cafe!


7. Social Butterfly

When I don’t have a lot of work and want to unwind a little, I love to go to Skillman Cafe to study. There’s a beautiful view of campus, and it’s always buzzing with people – so its the ideal location for those days when I look to conversations with others for a needed break. Not to mention, Skillman Cafe has delicious coffee!


8. Bookworm

If you have a lot of reading, you’ll feel right at home in Kirby Library, located on the second floor of Kirby Hall of Civil Rights. The room is gorgeous and victorian, with bookshelves, pages, and book ladders to make any voracious reader go wild!

Evidently, whatever your daily vibe, there’s a perfect location for you to do your work on campus while also feeling at home. If you feel like exploring the local Easton area, you can always check out Mojo Cafe or Cosmic Cup for a bite and some juice or coffee! Whatever your preference may be, remember you’re far more likely to enjoy your studying and feel productive when you’ve found a place to match your mood. So grab your books, a coffee, and get started!

Shiloh Harrill

Lafayette '23

enthusiast for all things literature, sunrise, and coffee-related
Huge bagels and Soundcloud enthusiast.