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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

Registration season is upon us! While it may seem overwhelming when you look at all of your degree requirements, Her Campus at Lafayette has some tips to help you navigate.

  1. Don’t worry about fulfilling your attribute sections.
    • The best advice I ever received from my advisor was to focus on taking my major classes and the required common core. While your degree audit looks very complicated, most courses count for at least one, but often more, attributes. If you begin chipping away at your required course, your GM1, GM2, and values naturally get fulfilled.
  2. Have a plan.
    • The reality is that courses fill up quickly and sometimes you don’t get your preferred schedule. While you hope this never happens, have multiple additional classes that could fit into your schedule AND count towards you degree is important. I usually have two full class schedules mapped out prior to registration just to be safe.
  3. Meet with your advisors.
    • Our advisors are here to help us. It is essential that you have a candid conversation about any questions you may have before your registration time. This is also how you will get you pin, so be sure to reach out to your advisor well in advance of your registration date.
  4. Don’t lose your pin.
    • This pin is the holy grail of getting preferred classes. Triple check that you wrote the pin down correctly so that you can login to banner promptly at 7:00 am.
  5. Wake up on time
    • Most importantly, don’t sleep through registration. Go to bed early and make sure your alarms are set.

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.