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Yes, Single People Can Enjoy Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

February 14, a day filled with love and possibly, with dread. Couples everywhere take the time to reaffirm their love for one another, but then there are the people who are single who tend to dislike the day of love.

I on the other hand cannot remember a year that I did not celebrate Valentine’s day just like any other couple even being single. I take the time to find the perfect outfit, buy valentines cards, and even bake heart shaped cookies with my sisters to gift to my friends.I take my being single and find a deeper appreciation for Valentine’s day because I indulge in the idea that seeing other people happy, in love shows how our world is not so bad after all. I don’t see my singleness as a factor of being unable to partake in the celebration it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have so many people around me like my parents, my sister,Ingrid, and friends who love me as do I.

Like the saying goes, “monkey see, monkey do,” as I try to follow that on Valentine’s day. I see people happy and in love and I do the same. I exert this happiness and energy because it is what is around me. It makes me happy to see those around me so cheerful and excited to be receiving treats. I think to myself why would I take the energy and time to hate those around me that are happy, when I can take time to demonstrate to my loved ones how much they mean to me not only on February 14, but always. I have so much to live for that I don’t want to think that for one day I was this miserable person because I didn’t have one specific person to share the day with when in all actuality I had many people with whom I was able to be with to show my appreciation for them. I think it’s great that we take one day out of the year to show the extra appreciation for our loved ones.

So remember, just because you don’t have a significant other on Valentine’s day, doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the day. Don’t get mad at the endless  couple photos, gift exchange posts on instagram because you are using more muscles in your face to make the angry expression. Take the time to really reflect  about how lucky you are to have so many people in your life love you. Take the time to call your parents and tell them how much you love them because we are so worried on this specific day and focused on the fact that you have no significant other that you tend to dismiss  that you have other very significant people in your life who to show your love to. Valentine’s day is for everyone regardless of their relationship status. If you really think about it, the reason you are single is because you have so many people around you that love you unconditionally.