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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Finals are around the corner and I know we all have that sudden urge to finally cut our own bangs, get a tattoo, or even get piercings. Want a little stress relief? Here are some helpful tips on how to study effectively!

  1. Read out loud.

  2. Teach what you learn.

  3. Draw diagrams, doodle, write it down. Visual learning is effective.

  4. When googling, search on Google Scholar.

  5. Take a study break! 

  6. Set some goals for yourself and reward yourself! Do not overwork yourself.

  7. Chew Gum.

  8. Host group study sessions! 

  9. Go over old exams! Material

  10. DO NOT pull an all-nighter before the exam! It is better to sleep on it than to have a sleepless night!

Keep your head up, students! We’ve made it this far! Studying sure is stressful. Make it easier for you by following these tips.