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Jenny Nguyen Helps ULV Women Reach Their Potential

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Accounting major Jenny Nguyen motivates and inspires at the University of La Verne. The 20-year-old hails from Hillsboro, Oregon, and says Lilo and Stitch, Rugrats in Paris and Harry Potter are her favorite movies.

The freshly minted Archon (president) of Phi Sigma Sigma divides her time between studying, interning at Grant-Thornton and leading within ULV Society of Accountants and her sorority.

She’s made her home at the school, but dreams of the endless possibilities of graduating and becoming a CPA in downtown Los Angeles. As for now, “I want girls on campus to realize their potential…realize they are able to make an impact,” Nguyen said.

Acting as historian for ULVSA, she documents events and is a big part of celebrating the club’s accomplishments, presenting at their annual banquet. She is co-chair for the SPARK Women’s Leadership Conference, and is excited to teach ULV ladies about the impact they are able to have on campus and in the world.

Gearing up for recruitment in the coming week, she’s prepared for the work and energy it requires, but excited for more women to learn what’s possible for them within Greek Life at ULV. She cites Phi Sigma Sigma as personally influential, “helping [women] realize they can do more than they think they can.”

Proud to be a part of her sisterhood, she encourages women going through the process to come in with an open mind and to just give Greek Life a chance. “If you want to go Iota Delta, go Iota Delta. If you want to go Phi Sig, go Phi Sig.” If one finds that it’s not for them, she encourages all to take ownership of their college experience and spend their time on what they’re passionate about.

“I don’t think people realize that you have to be yourself,” said Nguyen about joining a sorority or fraternity. She credits outside inspiration in firm belief that “people join people,” and that if others “see you as a real person, they’ll want to join that.”

She’s excited to welcome new members and gushes over the thought of spoiling a little sister. She looks forward to “helping [new sisters] realize their potential” and teaching a sapphire about their Founding Mothers, refreshing her own memory of why Phi Sigma Sigma has been so special to her.

Jenny always seeks the positive and doesn’t find worth in dwelling on sadness when there’s much to be thankful for.  “You have to have that optimistic mindset, that you’re going to go out and make something of yourself and when you come back (to ULV) you’ll be happy you had this college experience.”

Her sisters nominated her “Mostly Likely to be the Next Wendy Lau,” and she embraces the comparison to the alum and sister as a huge compliment. “I am going to be the next Wendy Lau!!” she said laughing, only highlighting how much she loves learning from others and giving back to the community.

Melanie Loon can be reached at melanie.loon@laverne.edu.

Melanie Loon is an aspiring writer and all-around creative studying Mulitimedia Communications at the University of La Verne. A born and raised "Valley Girl," she loves Jesus, family, food, and all things Anthropologie. She can be found on Instagram @melaniespoon.