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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

She takes her time as she looks for precise cuts and transitions to create a perfect clip. Hours of filming, interviewing, and observation going into a final product of hers. After her time dedicated to a moment of a neat editing trick composed of just 10 seconds of footage to begin the video, she understands that the same amount of work must be put in to ensure the quality of the rest of her video. Where as some people, maybe most people, will find a way to cut corners in editing or other projects to just finish and get by, Flo Schinoff does the opposite. She applies her knowledge of filmaking and media to a level of where it becomes more than just a job or an assignment. It truly becomes a work of passion. A work of passion that doesn’t need to be analyzed to see how much work or effort was put into it. If it’s done by Flo, it’s good to go.

When she’s not working on editing, you can find her participating in activities for her Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, or leading a routine at halftime with the Girls Dance team, and if she’s not doing that, you’ll probably see her working on Campus. For most people, that is a college careers worth of activities and experiences to deal with. But for Flo, maybe that’ll sum up about a day of her schedule. But it never seems to stress her out in the slightest. She manages to work through her busy schedule and still make time to make friends, be social, and make the best out of her college experience, while essentially still finding time to stick to what she’s most passionate about in filming. 

People like Flo can truly help us understand how college still be such a fun and rewarding experience even if it seems like we’re always busy. Because along the way, you’ll find the little things to strive towards and enjoy and it makes everything so much more endearing and fun. So be involved, meet new people everyday, strive to find your passion and work hard every day. Maybe one day, you’ll come across the likes of someone like Flo. 

I love reading, writing and especially watching films :) Movies and writing about them inspire to dream beyond reality :)