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Campus Cutie: Jonathon Dang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.


Name: Jonathan Edward Dang

Nickname: JD

Year: Junior

Age: 24

Branch of Military: Marines

Rank: Sergeant

Occupation: Shift Lead at Starbucks

Hometown: San Gabriel

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Movie: Mean Girls

Favorite Food: Umm, is pizza a food?

Ideal Girl: Someone that’s exactly like me. Someone that is just fun, dorky, and sweet.

Favorite Pick-up Line: Is it okay if I screen shot your picture? I’m writing Santa my wish list for Christmas.

Most Romantic Gesture: Umm, well in high school I set up candles in this girl’s driveway and asked her to prom. It took two hours to set-up.

Post-College Plan: I may go back into the military or go to law school.

Fun Fact: I had a cultural identity crisis for a long time. I thought I was Vietnamese for 21 years of my life and it turns out I’m Chinese.

Extracurricular Activities: Phi Delta Theta, hiking, candle light dinners, shooting.