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Campus Cutie: David Asbra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Name: David Asbra

Year: Sophomore

Age: 19

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Political Science

Activities: Executive Vice President of ASULV, Vice President of Young Republicans Club, active member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and member of the San Bernardino County Young Republicans

Favorite Book: Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Most Embarrassing Moment: I was walking down the stairs after class in high school and tripped down them.  Everyone laughed at me and because I was the first one going down the stairs; I caused a traffic jam.

What are you most attracted to in a girl? Someone who is independent and is not afraid to be their own person.

If you won the lottery what would you do? Well, first I’d pay off college, then give some money to my parents, and donate some to charity. The remainder of my money would be put in a savings account or invested in stocks.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? I would love to be a professional soccer player. I would also like to be a politician. I’ve been playing soccer since I was four, so to do it professionally would be really cool. I also love history and would love to be a part of the political process.