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Campus Celebrity: Rochelle Cowper

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Professor Cowper is considered one of the most influential teachers and women at the University of La Verne. She gives tips on how to succeed in the professional world and incredible life lessons and passionate support for all students who take her classes. If you have not met her or have not taken a class with her yet, you may want to after reading this interview…

Which classes do you teach at the University of La Verne? Business 242 Achieving Professional Success in Business

How did you find ULV? Actually ULV found me. A fellow colleague knew the university was looking for someone to participate in the Southern California Edison Joint Internship Program in the fall of 2009. Through a grant I was able to create an online class for high school seniors to get a taste of what a college course might be like.

How long have you worked at ULV and do you work anywhere else currently? I began my teaching career with ULV in the fall of 2009. I also teach ESL classes through Tri-Community Adult School. My site is located at Pioneer School in West Covina. I also have a small life coaching business — A shameless plug.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at ULV? The support I receive from my fellow colleagues and the Deans of the CPBM department is exceptional and far exceeded my expectations. I feel respected in my position as an adjunct professor and have always been given everything I need to succeed. I love the beauty of the campus and the intimate size of the classes. Getting to know my students on a personal level as well as teaching them life lessons that no one ever taught me when I was their age, brings me great satisfaction and joy. Every day, every class is an adventure.

What do you find most enjoyable about your students? I love everything about my students. They bring me such joy. I can be having the worst day and when I walk into the classroom and see my students, our time together becomes magical. Their eagerness to learn; how they let me into their lives and share their stories….. Honestly it makes me cry, and sometimes we do some crying in the classroom. When my students really know how much I care, then they care how much I know. They begin to grasp the importance of knowing themselves and life transformation happens. They become vulnerable and we begin to share life in the classroom. They are challenged to dare greatly and step outside their comforts zones. I never know what’s going to happen and I love the adventurous spirit of my students. My experience with the La Verne students is they are the best of the best!

What is a fun fact that most would not know about you, or something interesting you would like us to know about you? My heart is very sensitive and I love to help people. One day I stopped to give a group of homeless people some breakfast bars. I talked with them for a few minutes and left. The next day I saw three of them and wanted to buy them lunch. I pulled over to ask them if they wanted pizza and one of them went crazy on me. He started cursing at me and his friends made a motion to me like “get out of here.” Before I could get away, he kicked in my car and I have a huge dent to remind me, you can’t help people who don’t want help. A great life lesson.