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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.
  1. Scooby Doo Gang

A very popular halloween costume I have been seeing this season are characters from the Scooby Doo franchise. Whether it’s friends as Velma and daphne or couples as Shaggy and Velma or Fred and Daphne, these costumes are easy to assemble but also  costumes a majority of people know.

  1. PowerPuff Girls

Another extremely trendy costume is for sure the Powerpuff Girls. This costumes I feel could go either way. It can be a hot, independent queen moment or could be an adorable, fun costume to do. Either way, these costumes have looked amazing on everyone I have seen personally.

  1. Vector and Gru

These are costumes I love the most. These costumes could be hilarious and fun or a cute moment. I love the movie itself so seeing people execute these costumes have been fun to see.

  1. Playboy Bunny and Hugh Heffner

These costumes are very original but in a good way. It is super easy to put together at the last minute r and everyone pulls this off every single year and I am here for it.

  1. Police

Last but not least is a police officer. Personally, I wore that costume this year, along with about 20 other girls I saw. But honestly, I loved it! This costume looks amazing and can be super comfy as well. Bonus points if you have a badge and a hat! 

Halloween is the best time of the year and seeing everyones costumes is even more amazing. These were just the top costumes I personally witnessed the most of, but there are certainly more!

Secondary Education English major who loves coffee and criminal minds♡