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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Unless you were lucky enough to know someone ahead of time, chances are college will the first time you’ll ever have to share a room with a complete stranger. For some, this thought alone is enough to throw your anxiety through the roof. What if they’re mean? What if they’re really, really weird? What if they steal my clothes? Or worse…my food? 

These are all thoughts that everyone has had when they come into their first year of living on a college campus. We’ve all been there and unfortunately for some, many people actually do get roommates that they don’t mesh well with. However, I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. I have a roommate that I have lived with for three out of my four years here and she is what inspired this list of why a good roommate in college is one of the best things about the whole experience:


1). You can talk every day, at any time.

Having an awesome roommate means staying up and talking about everything under the sun for hours and you don’t even have to go home afterwards! You just have to walk over to you own bed.


2). They will cry with you.

We all know that college gives us some of the biggest obstacles we have had to face so it helps when you can just let it out with one another.


3). They support you wholeheartedly.

They come to your club’s events or maybe even to one of your student’s plays so that you don’t have to go alone. 


4). They know what foods you like.

This one is important because sometimes they’ll randomly pick up things you like as they’re grocery shopping. Not only is it awesome to get free food but it shows that they think about you when you’re apart.


5). You can be your gross selves around each other.

Living with someone in the same room means the occasional fart will slip out until one day you both stop caring and let it rip.


Having a roommate may seem really daunting and sometimes it doesn’t work out, but other times, you meet one of the best friends you’ve ever had. Luckily for me, I was able to meet my soul roommate. I realize, after re-reading this mini article, that it may seem as though I’m talking about my boyfriend….but I’m not. My roommate and I are really just this close and that’s all I can hope for everyone else.

A Taco Bell-obsessed Delawarean who happens to spend most of her time in Pennsylvania.