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Her Campus Media
Career > Work

Side Hustle Summer 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

As a college kid, I’m looking forward to using the summertime to replenish my funds. I have a job set up, but I want to use this summer as a chance to take advantage of other money making options on the side. Below are ways to make some extra money this summer: 

Babysitting & Pet Sitting

This is such a simple way to make some extra money, with little experience needed. If you don’t like kids or pets, this might not be the best option for you, but if you know people in your neighborhood, it’s a great option. I posted on my neighborhood’s local Facebook group letting people know I was available and added my phone number so they could reach out to me easily. I usually make $20 an hour or $30 for two hours, depending on how many kids there are. For pet sitting, it just involves me feeding them, letting them out, and walking them.

Clothes Selling 

Not only is this a way to make some extra money, but it also declutters one’s closet. There are different apps like Poshmark and Depop that make selling very easy, especially with shipping rates. All you have to have is mailing packages, which you can buy from Amazon or the post office, and access to a printer for shipping labels. It’s also nice because you can set your own prices rates for what you think your items are worth. Some apps might take a percentage of the profit you make. 

Food Delivery  Similarly to clothes selling apps, there are apps for food delivery that you can use for work. DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub are popular apps people use. You can join and become a deliverer, but similarly to clothing apps, they take a percentage of the price you make. I see a lot of people doing this as a fun summer hustle, because they will pile in a car with their friends, pick up orders, and drive while listening to music with the windows down for some good vibes. 

Maria Pushart

Kutztown '27

Hi! I'm Maria. I'm a public relations major minoring in web development and social media theory & strategy here at Kutztown! Besides HerCampus I also do college radio and I'm a tour guide. I'm a big traveler with a love of cooking, crocheting, and movies & TV.