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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.


Sometimes I miss my childhood, I miss the fun and games

Sometimes I wish I could go back to not knowing certain people’s names

It is a scary thing to be considered an adult

Especially when you are 4 foot 11 inches and broke

People think we have all the answers and that our future is planned out

When most days I just want to get in my car and shout

I am just a 20 year old student 

Who is figuring out life one step at a time


I often wonder what life would be like without a phone 

Would we feel better or just end up feeling alone?

What if social media just disappeared 

The cyber bullying would end 

The screenshots of messages would go away 

The distractions would not be present 

And the miscommunications will fade 

But then I wonder

What would happen to our memories 

How can we talk to each other when we live miles away

How would anyone find you if you were swept away

And yet we will never know the real answer 

As to if we would be better if technology went away

Self Love 

Loving yourself is hard 

Everyone struggles to succeed in this

I often find myself standing in front of a mirror 

Wondering if this shirt is flattering

Does my hair sit right on my shoulder 

Can anyone notice that one small pimple on my forehead

I find myself scrolling on social media looking at models

Beautiful bodies, perfect skin, long healthy hair 

And I think to myself, why can’t that be me

Loving yourself is something we all struggle with

Some make this more obvious than others 

The one thing we must all remember 

We are all unique for a reason

My hair is made for me, while yours is made for you

We are human

Love yourself

Secondary Education English major who loves coffee and criminal minds♡