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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Wow, four years are over already. Four years ago, I was the excited freshman to move into Rothermel. Ready to see what college was about. Boy was I hype for nothing, but Rothermel was a bad first experience into college living. Everything else about freshman year though was exciting, the people, the pool games, and the late-night market runs with my roommate. Freshman year was an eye-opener for me. One of the first lessons I learned was that just because everyone was an adult it did not mean that they were the cleanest. It’s crazy how I can vividly remember parts of freshman year. I think I was losing my ID like every 2 weeks back then. 

Now being a week from graduating so much has changed for me. I’ve grown so much as a woman it’s unbelievable. College can really shape you into a better person. From the tears, the laughs, the turn-ups, the study sessions and working. I wouldn’t change anything. Maybe I’d change the number of times I cried, but I think tears are a part of the college experience. In all seriousness though I’ve met some amazing people along the way. I can officially say that they are stuck with me forever.  

College was no walk in the park for me. I’m just happy to be able to say that I made it. At times I definitely didn’t want to finish or even think that I was going too. Now that I am here I can’t be prouder of myself. That girl from West Philly, that felt like the world was on her shoulders at times is getting a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I don’t know exactly what I want to do yet, but I know it will be helping youth in urban areas. So, look out for me I could be in your town helping your youth. 


Congratulations to the class of 2018. We did it! Go on out and make your mark. I’m proud of you. Even if we don’t know each other I’m proud of you.