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An Open Letter to the People Who Said I Can’t

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

To the people who said I can’t,


New York City has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I went there for the first time when I was about three years old. I don’t remember everything from that visit, except for when we went to the Plaza Hotel to see Eloise’s shoes. Looking at those shoes, I promised myself I would live in this city someday. I can’t say what it was about them, but I knew it felt right. I would be a grownup who has a job that made her feel powerful, and friends that went shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany’s, and a boyfriend that was so handsome he could be royalty. I would live in a posh apartment in the Upper East side, or live right in the Plaza like Eloise. Everything would be absolutely perfect.


Obviously, as I got older, I realized that these dreams are not a hundred percent possible. However, the dream of New York has always remained. It is my place of freedom. I can be a power woman who takes the city by storm. It is the place I can go to finally start living the life I want. As long as I end up there one day, I will consider it a success.


The problem is, all of you tell me I can’t.


“You’re not tough enough.”

“It’s too expensive.”

“You’re too much of an introvert.”

“The city is very competitive.”

“You’ll never find a job.”

“You grew up in a small town, not a city.”

“You will never make it.”

“You will never make it.”

“You will never make it.”


So to that I say: I can, and I sure as hell will.


I want to take charge of my life. I’m sick of pretending like I agree with what you say. The fact that you can’t even support my dreams reminds me why I don’t trust you. I refuse to take this anymore. I want my freedom.


I’m going to be amazing in New York. I will do what I want. Have a career that I want. Live the life I want. I will say what I want to say. I will write the things that I can’t write now because you judge my words. I will have the friends that I want no matter their race, sexuality, religion, gender.  


New York is a place for everyone that wants to be free, and I want to be free. I want to show all of you that I can. People back home will wonder where I went and to that you can say,


“She went to the place we told her was impossible.”


New York City.



The girl who can





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Katie N


Hi, I'm Katie! I am a communication studies major here at KU. I enjoy writing about anything that has to do with feminism or random events that happen on campus.