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An Open Letter to my Best Friend: My Mom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Dear Mommy,

Let me start by simply saying, thank you.

But let’s be honest, thank you just doesn’t cut it anymore. “Thank you” does not do justice or begin to exemplify the gratitude I have for your existence.

You have been with me from the very start. While you may have hated being pregnant with me, as you could only stomach tiny sips of red Gatorade and manage to still get sick, I know deep down you knew how special our relationship was going to be so you endured those painful months with a smile.

You have taught me what the true meaning of friendship is. As much as we love to giggle, as we say, we are one another’s “person” behind the giggles is the complete truth. You are my person and always will be. You have held me as I cried over silly arrogant boys. You have made sure I have laughed and smiled every single day of my life, even at my lowest points. You favorite my tweets and compliment my selfies on Instagram. You taught me the importance of garnishing every drink I have. You consistently support me in everything I do. You have helped me get ready for every single school dance and told me I looked beautiful, even when I had a middle part with blonde highlights. Which leads me to trust.

You have taught me what the true meaning of trust is. I believed you in those very moments that I was beautiful and I continue to believe you when you tell me I’m beautiful today. You are the only person who will tell me if those red skinny jeans make me look fat, or if I should do something a little extra with my hair because it looks greasy.

You have taught me how to believe in myself. I would never have achieved what I have and accomplished the (what seemed unrealistic at the time) goals I have today. I am a better student, friend, and young woman because of you. You have instilled in me so much love and support, I do not believe any task is too hard for me to take on. I no longer doubt myself or let my irrational fears stop me from following my dreams.

You have taught me what the true meaning of love is. Your relationship with dad is simply inspiring, and I can only hope to find a man that makes me half as happy as dad makes you.

So, to this, I thank you. Words cannot describe how fortunate I feel to have a mother as perfect as you. You are my partner in crime, my second half.

Most importantly, though, you are my sunshine, My only sunshine.

Love always,

Your daughter

Hello, I'm Jesse Coffey. I am a Secondary English Education major and Communication Studies minor. I am a member of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Theta Phi Alpha at Kutztown University. I love reading and writing during my spare time. I have the tendency to binge-watch television shows on Netflix in record breaking times. Napping is a personal hobby of mine. I'm obsessed with my dog Bonnie and take way too many pictures of her considering she's prettier than me.