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An Open Letter To The Baby Golden Bears

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I am a senior in college, just 14 weeks away from graduating from the “best experience of your life.”

High school was my kingdom, and to leave it seemed like a nightmare. I was not prepared for a life outside of my one-square-mile hometown.

I now look back on those days and cannot help but laugh. Kutztown University is a second home to me and having to leave it in less than four months seems impossible. However, there’s a lot of information I wish I knew prior to coming here though, which is why I write this letter to you; the younger Golden (cubs) Bears.

1. It’s okay to skip class.

During syllabus week make sure to check and see how many “unexcused absences” you’re allowed; these are your free-bee skips. Now, do not get too excited and waste these! Absolutely use them, but plan them accordingly.

2.  It’s okay to make (what seem to be life-altering) mistakes

It’s okay if you went out Saturday night, and drank a little too much of your mixed drink to gather up the courage to make out with that cute boy in your math class. And it’ll be okay when you face him Monday morning at your 8am. There is nothing wrong with you if you “jujued” on that beat or “dougied” in the middle of Sig Pi’s basement. These mistakes might seem so embarrassing for you, and you might feel like you can never leave your house again, but I promise you it’s going to be okay. No one is going to reflect on it, and it will be something you will look back and laugh on in a few years.

3. Get involved in clubs/organizations on campus (the sooner the better!)

Whether you’re a freshman and in need of solid friendships or a senior looking for some extra curricular activities, join something! College allows you to branch out and be a part of amazing communities you would never even imagine existed in high school. There are clubs centered around different majors such as the Accounting Club, Entrepreneurship Club, and Sport, Leisure Athletic Management Club. There is Greek life and Service organizations/Academic fraternities. You can find almost any type of club, and if for some reason what you’re looking for doesn’t exist, you can start your own! 

4. Do not be alarmed if you gain weight (beyond freshman year).

Everyone hears about “the freshmen fifteen,” but do not be alarmed if you continue to gain weight or fluctuate between certain weights during your experience. Your diet is going to change; it is the inevitable. Now, some students do have their diet together and have self-control, I am not one of them. At school you are running on a different schedule. You’re awake a lot later than usual, and during those late night hours Sheetz and Wawa become your best friend. During the weekends when you’re walking home after a long night out, you see the Tommy Boys Pizzeria sign flashing up ahead. When you’re in bed on a cold January evening and don’t feel like cooking, Chinese is just around the corner. There are limited healthy options surrounding you and peer pressure does exist. But that does not mean healthy eating cannot happen at college, just don’t be alarmed if you find yourself struggling with your weight. It’s okay. It happens to us all.

5. Never doubt your major

No matter what commentary people make towards your major, do not let that change your opinion on your future. People have a lot to say about everything and act like they are experts, but do not let Becky, the girl who sits beside you Art History, tell you being a social work major is not ideal because getting a job in that field is very complicated. I am a Secondary English Education major and the amount of times I’ve heard, “Oh, English? You know the English department in education is very intense and competitive. You might not get a job for a while,” is ridiculous! – but here I am student teaching and just months away from graduating with my Bachelors in Education. Choose the major you love. You want to work for the love you have for your career, not the money.

I can agree whole-heartedly that college is “the best experience of your life.” These four years fly by, so it’s crucial you take advantage of every single day.

There will be moments where you reach your lowest point and want to drop out. Don’t! Everyone experiences those nights stuck in the library slaving on a paper that’s due by 8:00am the next morning. You will pull through the all-nighter and survive. You will survive so that you can experience the highest points that you create with the people you surround yourself with. You will survive so you can enjoy that beer at happy hour on Friday signifying that you conquered another week.

So, take mental health days from school, have that extra drink and belt out the lyrics to Broccoli like no one is watching, get involved, eat that extra slice of pizza, and follow your dreams no matter what the world throws at you! College is one hell of a beautiful ride, so buckle up because you’re in for a real treat! 

Hello, I'm Jesse Coffey. I am a Secondary English Education major and Communication Studies minor. I am a member of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Theta Phi Alpha at Kutztown University. I love reading and writing during my spare time. I have the tendency to binge-watch television shows on Netflix in record breaking times. Napping is a personal hobby of mine. I'm obsessed with my dog Bonnie and take way too many pictures of her considering she's prettier than me.