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To My Sister, Going into Her Senior Year in High School:

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

To my sister who is going through her senior year in high school:

In just one short year, you’ll be starting your first day as a college student. It seems like just yesterday you were a freshman in high school, nervous to start the next four years. I can remember all the nerves and anxieties that came with senior year, applying to colleges and thinking about how it could make or break my life. You may be nervous but let me tell you, this is the start of the rest of your life. 

Seeing that I have been there and made my fair share of mistakes I’m going to leave you with some tips that could help navigate you through the next few years of your life: 

Always make time to call home: Calling mom could be the cure to everything. Shockingly enough, she knows what she’s talking about.

Learn to laugh at yourself: You’re going to mess up big time and make a fool of yourself, but let me tell you, so is everyone else. It’s okay to laugh at yourself because it makes it a lot easier.

Nothing is permanent: It’s so hard to see past the here and now, but nothing is permanent. So the problems that you’ll face will all end. Always find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Find your person: College would’ve been a death sentence if I didn’t find my person. Not meaning a significant other, but rather a friend that sticks around through the thick and thin. Someone that will have your back when you need to let out your frustration or even someone that you can just sit around and laugh with. 

You have sisters for a reason: Reaching out and admitting you need help with something can be difficult at times, that why you have your sisters. We have been there and done it all and would love to help you out and give you the advice that we would’ve wanted or got.

Have fun: It flies by. Enjoy it. You’re going to be me one day sitting here and reflecting back on those days you wish you could relive over and over again. Slow down, look around and enjoy the small moments because those are what matters. 

Take everything day by day and enjoy the next years of your life because these memories you are making now will last you a life time.