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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Hello ladies, did you know that this was going to be for you?  What would Kutztown be like if you guys didn’t go here? I probably would have dropped out. Joking but then again, I might be serious. Thank you for being a part of the good and bad days. 

Reanna, the girl I met freshman year because she was always in the room with the microwave. Although we didn’t talk much freshman year you still remembered me the next year when you met Lay. Thank you for always being yourself. From debates to laughs, you amaze me. I love how observant you are. You never miss a new clothes pick up or a change in facial expression. I also think you have the slang down pack. You’re going to be a great addition to the child welfare department. Saving one child and cat at a time. You bring the spice to my life. Chocolate and vanilla swirl forever, I love you. 

Layshan, I hope you read that in tony voice as he would say it in my voice. Only you’ll get that last sentence. My dawg for sure for sure.  Riding till the wheels fall off for sure. Thank you for keeping me here. Cause girl you know I tried to chalk school every semester. From the tears, laughs, hug and the turn ups. I appreciate you. We’re so alike yet so different. What would school be like if we didn’t unconsciously twin once a week? From our study sessions to binge writing papers and then to you leaving cause your bed time was slowly approaching. Really what would school be like if that day I called you and said I made my decision and we didn’t say the same school? I could write a whole book about these last 4 years, but I’ll stop here. The school system is in dire need of a counselor like you. Soon you’ll be able to show them. I love you.  

As we have reach the last two weeks of our undergrad experience I am so proud of you ladies. I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for us. This isn’t a good bye because y’all are stuck with me forever literally. Now let’s go out with bang. 

