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Learning to Slow Down Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Being a senior in college is supposed to be a bitter sweet time in someone’s life. For me, it’s just a bitter time. I’m over homework. I’m over waking up and going to class. I’m over walking around campus to even get to classes. I’m over it all.

Everyone is telling me to enjoy these last few months because then work in the real world begins and bills will start up and I’ll have to start “adulting”. The thing about that is, I already do those things. I already “adult”. Maybe not to the full extent that many people experience, but I still pay bills, and I have two jobs which is not something a lot of adults have. Of course, some adults do have multiple jobs. Kudos to them though because I could not raise a family and have multiple jobs. But on the other hand, I do take four classes, two jobs, and am part of three organizations. This may not seem like a lot, but when I’m driving two hours, three days a week to a job, rushing back to get to class, then off to meetings and another job, it’s very tiring. It also doesn’t help that everyone I have met at Kutztown is terrible except for my three roommates, who are my best friends, and maybe 2-3 others outside of that. Maybe this just proves that I’m bitter.

As enrollment is beginning to open and I’ve been figuring out which classes I need to finally complete my major and two minors, I’m getting more and more excited to finish up school and focus on my career. I think the wanting to be done with school is mainly because of my job at a literary agency and how well that has been going. My boss told me she wants me to become an agent and take over her business with the editorial director there. I already wanted to be done with school, but this had me feeling like school was out the window and I was ready to get into the full swing of my career.

All I can do now is try and enjoy each day and know that the future is already set in place. I hate to rush the future because I know someday I’ll regret wanting to rush through college and start my career. I’ll be old and grey and wishing to be back in college, living carefree.


While being a member of Kutztown University’s Her Campus, I was the Vice President and lead editor. Her Campus afforded me many opportunities to voice my thoughts and opinions freely, and let them be heard by anyone reading. I found Her Campus to be a great tool in helping me advance my future in writing and editing.