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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

There are many different reasons why you would attend a professional basketball game. Maybe you’re there to support your team, you really love basketball, or you think the stadiums have the best hot dogs.  I would go as far as arguing that no matter the reason you have chosen to drop a good amount of money on a ticket instead of watching it for free at home, is for the experience.

 The experience of being around others of different ages, morals, and ethnicities all unifies by the love for a team. The bond formed from stranger to stranger as you cheer for the team you are mutually supporting is one you will never forget The comradery at Philadelphia sporting events is unlike any other.

Knowing this, I was infuriated when I heard that the Philadelphia 76ers Sevyn Streeter was kept from singing the national anthem because she was wearing a “We Matter” jersey, I was infuriated, to say the least.

The 76ers claim that on the contract Sevyn signed gave them the right to review her “costume” beforehand, therefore they had the right to turn her away based on this. I could maybe get behind the first half of the sentence. It’s a family sporting event and perhaps the organization doesn’t want any scandalously dressed performers corrupting young minds (cue the sarcasm) . However, this was not their intention. There was absolutely nothing scandalous about Sevyn’s outfit; they just decided they didn’t like her message.

The message of a young, African American, female standing in front of a stadium supporting her country by singing the anthem and demanding them to show her the support back.  But instead of allowing this powerful statement to be made to the audience, it had been decided minutes before the game that black lives didn’t matter.  They decided that this was the more appropriate statement to be presented to the world.

Frankly, I’m completely fed up by the misrepresentation of a peaceful movement made violent because of the media.  By the lack of support from organizations that supposedly have the community’s best interest in mind. Most of all, by the unnecessary and disgusting violence that continues to be given undeservingly to African Americans in our society.

We are better than this. As a nation, as a community, as human beings we are better. How many more lives have to be lost until the world begins to care? The appropriate answer should be none. However, I fear that my answer does not align with the worlds as we continue to see hateful displays like the 76ers actions perpetuated throughout society.