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The Importance of Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I’ve been extremely nostalgic this past week so I feel that it’s finally time to share my story. This past summer I spent a month studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland and it was hands down the greatest experience of my life. The trip was life-changing and helped me grow in more ways than I could ever imagine. Not only did I get to explore the main roads of Dublin, but I also was introduced to amazing Modern Irish Literature. Okay, fine. You caught me. I got a B+ in the class, but I definitely got an A+ in drinking, traveling, and having fun.

I understand that not everyone has the money to simply hop on a plane and study abroad for a month, semester, or full year, but if you do you must do it. I cannot stress this enough! You may doubt yourself and have a lot of overwhelming fear. Trust me, I did too. I was afraid. My main concern was that I was not going to make any friends, while my mother’s biggest fear was that a zombie apocalypse would outbreak and we’d never see each other again.  Now, I cannot guarantee that this won’t happen, but I highly doubt it.

Here are four reasons why every single college student should study abroad:

It’s more than a vacation. You become a local.

A month does not seem like a long time to become a commoner, but by week two my friends and I not only knew how to navigate our way around the city but we also knew their slang. If you go out and explore (which you should) every single day, by the first week you’ll know the hottest hang out spots, cheapest place to grab a quick bite, where the best drinks are served, and where the best shopping centers are. You’ll even make local friends! These friendships are unique and special because not only is it cool to say that you made friends from a different country but they also can show you the ropes.


Once you become a part-time local, it’s easy to become accustomed to the culture that surrounds you. In Dublin, it was mainly a lot of cursing, slagging (making fun of) each other, beer, and fried food (which wasn’t a problem for me). As a women who thrives on her sarcasm and foul language while drinking a beer, I felt at home.


While you’re studying abroad, you must travel to other locations. It’s fun to travel within the country you’re temporarily residing in, but definitely travel to other countries too! You’re already overseas, so why not? There’s a chance you may never have this opportunity again so you need to take advantage of it! 

Incredible Friendships

The people I studied abroad with were nothing less than perfect. They truly are the reason my trip was as amazing as it was. As cranky and sleep deprived as you’ll feel getting off the plane, you must be friendly the second you’re with your new peers. It’s so important to make friends and build relationships with these people because you are alone in a different country. As extreme as it sounds, they will either make or break your experience. Luckily for me, the people who I was studying with were awesome. For the month of June kind-hearted, generous, hilarious, fun friends surrounded me.

If you’re in college and have the chance to study abroad, you must do it! It’s an unforgettable and life-changing experience. You meet amazing people, see a whole new world, and become apart of a new culture. It’s simply magical. You won’t regret it! So, take a walk to your Study Abroad International Admissions office, find a country you’re interested in, grab a booklet, and book an appointment to learn more information. Happy traveling! 

Hello, I'm Jesse Coffey. I am a Secondary English Education major and Communication Studies minor. I am a member of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Theta Phi Alpha at Kutztown University. I love reading and writing during my spare time. I have the tendency to binge-watch television shows on Netflix in record breaking times. Napping is a personal hobby of mine. I'm obsessed with my dog Bonnie and take way too many pictures of her considering she's prettier than me.