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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I don’t know if it was any different in the past or if it was better. Maybe I’ve watched too many 80’s movies and read too many romance novels and they’ve distorted reality for me. They always show boy meets girl, whether at first they hate each other or are best friends they fit perfectly, big romantic gesture, happily ever after, the end. It all so seemed so easy I naively thought it would happen that way for me.

But growing up apart of this generation is a curious thing. It seems we’re all stuck in this place of not knowing what we want with an inconsistent mind dictating inconsistent behavior. People who are unfaithful saying they just want someone who is loyal. Wanting to meet someone but hating to meet new people. Being unable to retain any relationship you are able to start even with friendships. Where does this come from? Maybe a childhood trauma or a broken heart or a collection of things that just built up until it was too much.

But then I think those have always existed so what’s different now? Social media. We feel the need to prove we live a way and act a way to people we don’t even care about and why? There seems to be so much pressure to be progressing in a way that can be bragged about that it transfers into real life and it’s just damning emotionally.

Sometimes we are emotionally unavailable and distant. Cynical and pessimistic. Suspicious and Paranoid and scared of commitment

But somewhere deep inside in a place it’s hard to put into words we want what we have seen in movies, what we hear in songs, what we read in books. The soul deep connection, the forever fairytale.

Someone who understands and accepts your faults and mistakes. Someone who supports your dreams and ambitions. Appreciates your effort and love. Someone who loves your silliness and intelligence and strength. We all have seen or heard of these elderly couples celebrating their 40+ anniversary.

So why does it seem so impossible? Why is it so hard?


Cynthia Diaz

Kutztown '20

Cynthia Diaz is currently an English major at Kutztown University.