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Cutie of The Week: Jamie Austin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I present to you this week’s Cutie of the Week: Jamie Austin.

Jamie is a beloved member of the Kutztown community due to her involvement, commitment, and loveable personality. It’s hard to find someone at the University who does not know who Jamie is.

She is a part of many clubs and organizations on campus and holds various leadership positions within them. For starters, Jamie is a member of the sorority Theta Phi Alpha and was recently elected as their new Fundraising chair. She previously held the Sister Spirit Chair where she got to plan sisterhood events that strengthen the bond between her and her sisters. Jamie is also a member of the Service organization Epsilon Sigma Alpha, where they host eight different philanthropy events centered on St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. She is also a part of the Avalanche patrol. Within this organization she gets to work with Kutztown’s amazing mascot Avalanche and be his spotter. In other words, she needs to make sure that Avalanche is safe and stays hydrated while in costume.

But her participation doesn’t stop there!

She is also the Parliamentarian of Kutztown’s Braille Bears. They adapt game books and materials for students with blindness and visual impairments. Jamie is also on E-Board for Kutztown’s Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) as a Recognition, Recruitment, and Retention Co-Chair. In simpler terms, she plans icebreakers and theme nights for their meetings. Jamie is also a part of the Special Olympics committee, which is run during the spring semester at Kutztown. She will be the Softball Skills Coordinator for this upcoming year’s event. Luckily for Rothermel Hall residents, Jamie is their Community Assistant.

While Jamie has participated in a multitude of clubs and organizations, she still manages to find time and the motivation to engage in other activities outside of Kutztown. Over the summer she worked at Camp Lindenmere in the Poconos. The camp provided Jamie with a variety of new, life-changing opportunities. “The coolest thing I got to do was try the flying trapeze. That was definitely something I never thought I would do,” said Jamie.

Some cool, fun facts about the Kutztown rock-star is that she owns over 40 articles of clothing that are tie-dyed. She practically wears it every day! And people have definitely taken notice considering Jamie is now addressed as “Tie-Dye Jamie.”

She has two tattoos that are both deeply connected to her. The first one is of her grandmother’s signature located on her left wrist. Her second one is of an ear of corn, located on her left foot, and is a matching tattoo with her best friend, Evan.

Jamie is a huge fan of cooking and baking and loves the color orange. If you hear someone say, “Yikes on a bike,” you know Jamie is within a close proximity.

To the younger individuals at Kutztown, a word of advice from our lovely Cutie of the Week: “Get involved, it will make your college experience so much better. Also, take your grades seriously. I kind of goofed off my first year here and didn’t do as well as I would have liked to. For me, in order to keep my grades up I have to keep busy because I motivate myself by saying ‘If you get good grades you get to have fun.’ Also, don’t be afraid to take risks. This is the time of your life to explore your surroundings, and do things you never thought you would have done before. You’ll learn from every experience and opportunity you face.”

Jamie is a committed, hardworking, kind-hearted, and free spirited individual. Kutztown University is extremely lucky to have you and is so proud of the accomplishments you have made. You will go so far in life and continue to succeed in all that you do.

Jamie, thank you for being you! As chaotic as your schedule seems, and the busier it gets throughout your adult life, just promise us that you will not forgot to tie-dye a shirt every so often. 

Love, HerCampus.

Hello, I'm Jesse Coffey. I am a Secondary English Education major and Communication Studies minor. I am a member of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Theta Phi Alpha at Kutztown University. I love reading and writing during my spare time. I have the tendency to binge-watch television shows on Netflix in record breaking times. Napping is a personal hobby of mine. I'm obsessed with my dog Bonnie and take way too many pictures of her considering she's prettier than me.