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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Being happy is a wonderful feeling. I, personally, get very happy around this time of year. Being around my family and celebrating my favorite holidays fills me with so much joy, and I love it. However, being happy all the time is not something people should expect. In fact, it’s not good to be happy all the time. People put too much pressure on themselves to always feel uplifted and optimistic about everything that happens. Well, that is not only super annoying to everyone else, but it is also not human. It is impossible to feel genuine happiness every second of every day. By pretending to be happy all the time, people are not allowing themselves to be the most authentic self they can be.

I am a firm believer in feeling the feelings you need to feel. I say that to at least one person almost every day. The most amazing part of being human is the ability to have different emotions. It keeps us humble. It gives us the ability to empathize. It allows us to make a change. Without all the feelings we are capable of, we would just be some other animal on this planet. It is the most beautiful ability we have.

While it is important to stay positive, it is unlikely that will happen all the time. How would anyone know what positivity is without feeling negativity? One must happen to inflict the other because, the fact is, life is terrible sometimes. Humans hurt other humans. Things go wrong. People can be cruel. Only allowing happiness in your life is a disservice to the others and yourself. Empathy is more important than happiness, and the world needs more of that.

So here is my advice: stop forcing yourself to seem happy all the time. No one is buying it. From other people’s points of view, it seems like a cover up for other emotions. Be genuine and let yourself feel what you need to feel. Be human.

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Katie N


Hi, I'm Katie! I am a communication studies major here at KU. I enjoy writing about anything that has to do with feminism or random events that happen on campus.