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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

About six years ago, when I was just an awkward 14-year-old, I stumbled across a story on Wattpad called After by imaginator1D. The story had many reads already, and the synopsis said the main characters were Tessa Young and Harry Styles, so naturally, my One Direction obsessed-self gave it a try. 

By the end of the first couple chapters, I was hooked. I waited impatiently for the weekly updates. I had never fallen in love with a story like I did with After. Flash forward two more books—After 2 and After 3—and the author, Anna Todd, created a masterpiece. But then there was good news: the After series got published. 

And then the best news of it all: After was going to be made into a movie. I have been following the casting and production of the movie for the past year. Now, the movie is finally out, and I could not be happier. 

I went to see the movie with an open mind. I was not sure what they would be keeping from the books and what would change, but Tessa and Hardin (name change from Harry for obvious legal reasons) did not disappoint. 

Everything I loved about the story was still there and intensified. The dynamic relationship between Hardin and Tessa felt genuine. The actors (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Josephine Langford) brought the characters to life in the most beautiful way possible. The movie crew added some beautiful scenes that were not in the books, but they developed the story more, and I love them just the same. 

I wanted to cry when I finally got to see my favorite story being told on the big screen for a theater full of people. I was so proud and excited. It was a long time coming, but it was totally worth it. 

The story of Anna Todd and After is something so special. A normal, everyday girl writing fanfiction is now a published author with a movie deal. Anna is the actual dream come true. She is an inspiration. She is part of the reason why I want to be an author because she has shown me that all of this is possible—and it is incredible. 

But now, I need a second movie ASAP! 

Courtney Morstatt is a Professional Writing student at Kutztown University.