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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Once you turn 21, the world of possibilities opens up a bit more. City night life becomes more fun and you can finally get legit mixed drinks instead of a poorly made “Sunny D Bay Breeze” from a house party in your friend’s basement. I have been 21 for almost a whole year now so I think I am prepared to shed some alcohol-induced wisdom on my fellow legal drinkers as well as the up and coming ones.


1). Stay Hydrated.

Not only is staying hydrated essential to everyday life, but if you’ve been drinking water all day and preparing for your wild night, it won’t be as bad when you wake up the next morning. Nothing is worse than waking up hung over AND with severe cottonmouth.



2).  Keep Track

All of my friends immediately know if I went out last night because the evidence (and how much of it) is on my wrist. I discovered that if I tally my shots on my body, I can make sure I don’t go over my limit. Does this stop me from going over EVERY time? Of course not. But it has sure helped me slow my roll on nights where I have work the next morning.



3). Only Take Cash.

I am not very responsible when I go out drinking sometimes. I have never lost my wallet, but I fear for the day it may happen. My credit score is great and I’ll be damned if a townie takes that from me. When I go to the bar, I only take my ID and the cash I’m willing to spend, in a little wallet. If I bring my card, there’s no telling how many drinks I might buy for people I have never met before and it also keeps my identity from being stolen. Win-win!


4). Prep Your Bedroom.

Before I go out; I pick up my room, put a water bottle and bag of chips (or pizza) next to my bed and make sure that make-up wipes are nearby. This may sound a bit ridiculous but for the lazy drinker, its genius. I have found that I am much more content with coming home and getting right in bed with everything I need being within reach.


5). Do Research

If you’re going to a city or a town that you have never been to before, look up the local bars and their reviews. I learned this the hard way after going to Bethlehem for a night out and hating every bar we went to. Most of that night was spent wandering around the city and walking in (and right back out) of the local bars. Be smart! At least try to plan out your night a bit more and you’ll have way more fun.


6). Don’t Wear What You Can’t Walk In.

We all have those cute ass heels that give us blisters. I’m not saying you shouldn’t wear them, but trying to appear put together as you walk past a police officer is much harder when wearing something that will make you fall over. Personally, I avoid heels when drinking at all costs. This is especially due to the fact that there is a 100% guarantee that I will fall at some point because the world tilts a bit more on it’s axis when I’m drinking.

**I also think that you should stray from wearing your brand new white Converse to a bar like Shorty’s. For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea, but they’re not white anymore. I only had them for a week….**


7). Invest in a Friend with Pockets.

When I go out, I’m usually with a bunch of my male friends and my female roommate. Honestly, she is no help because she can’t hold anything. I hate keeping my wallet AND my phone in my leggings so I always appoint one of the guys to be my walking purse. It’s a fantastic agreement that everyone should try. I promise to buy him a drink or two, and he holds on to my wallet for the night.


8). Be Prepared

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen a girl in a bar bathroom freaking out about getting her period and not having a tampon or pad. If your period is even remotely close to coming (or has just ended) and has snuck up on you in the past, I suggest wearing a tampon for your night out. It’ll suck having to put it in a little dry, but you’ll be fine after a minute and it will save you embarrassment as well as a bloody trip back home. This has definitely worked for me in the past and I swear by it wholeheartedly.


9). Have a Backup Plan

I have a horrible memory so if I’m worried about my phone dying during the night (and it often does), I write two phone numbers down of reliable friends on either my hand or on a little paper that I put in my shoe. I know I sound crazy but I am always preparing for the worst. Fortunately, I have not needed to borrow someone’s phone to call a friend but I would always rather be prepared.


I know that a lot fo this may seem a bit excessive or unneccessary in general, but none of it has failed me yet. Of course there are times where I throw some of these things to the wind but I am also blessed with living within a block of all three of Kutztown’s bars. Hopefully I have given you at LEAST one idea that will help your nights out be a bit easier.

Happy Drinking!

A Taco Bell-obsessed Delawarean who happens to spend most of her time in Pennsylvania.