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Culture > Entertainment

20 Things I Plan to Do Over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

1. Clean out the DVR

A lot of TV has built up over the last 15 weeks. I have been dodging Twitter spoilers in hopes of still being surprised when I catch up on five plus different shows. Plus, I have to make storage space for episodes to build up next semester. 

2. Sleep

This one is self-explanatory. 

3. Celebrate Christmas 

Christmas is my favorite time of year, and the stress of school overshadows it. With the semester ending, that leaves about 12 school-free days leading up to Christmas. Pretty convenient, eh? I will have plenty of time to watch sappy Hallmark Christmas movies and sing along to the same Christmas songs over and over again. 

4. Organize my room 

Everything is everywhere. I never have the time to properly tidy up while in classes. A quick clean-up will allow me to mess it up again next semester. 

5. Read

Of course, I do have some school reading to get through, but I also hope to read at least one book for fun. I might finally get around to reading Harry Potter. 

6. Write

The semester was filled with writing one academic paper after the other. Free, creative, no-deadline writing is such a different experience and very therapeutic.

7. Hang out with high school friends 

One of my best friends goes to school three hours away, and this past semester left zero time for weekend visits. Break will definitely be filled with late night diner runs and shopping trips. 

8. Catch up on pop culture and news

The world keeps spinning while you are focused on school work, but break is a perfect time to catch up on what has happened in the government, who got married, and who had a baby. 

9. Work

Lots of plans means lots of money is needed, and no classes or homework means a lot more time to work. Spring break isn’t cheap. 

10. Spend a day doing things I couldn’t during school 

Whenclasses and homework were hanging over my head, I was not able to drop everything and spend an entire day going from store to store or movie to movie. It is time to check off everything I wanted to do in 2018. 

11. The Gym 

Classes have only left enough time to hit the gym for 20 minutes once, maybe twice, a week. Winter break will allow more time to go to the gym and to use the equipment I have always been too afraid to learn. 

12. Spend a day doing nothing 

Again, this one is self-explanatory. Everyone’s brain needs a day of rest. 

13. Watch the rest of the Marvel movies 

There are so many movies in the franchise, and every year there are more added. I have been trying to catch up since last winter break, but I am going to complete them this time. 

14. Prepare for my future career 

As a sophomore in college, everyone and their mother asks me what my plans are: where I am going to intern, and if I have a LinkedIn page. I have resisted enough; I need to set aside time to start becoming an actual adult. 

15. Relax

Again, self-explanatory, but I have a massage gift card that I have been holding onto for months, and winter break is the perfect time to spend a day at the spa. 

16. Try not to re-watch The Office 

This will be the hardest one to accomplish, so I am not holding myself to too high of a standard on this one. 

17. Plan for next semester 

There is no denying that break will fly by, and it is always better to have textbooks and a plan in place before the first day of classes. 

18. Relive childhood 

Winter break is a perfect time to re-watch old Disney Originals and Drake and Josh. 

19. Go on vacation 

I would prefer a week on a beach somewhere, but a quick weekend getaway will do the trick.   

20. Learn something new 

I have no idea what I want to learn, so we’ll see what I decide on. 


Courtney Morstatt is a Professional Writing student at Kutztown University.