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Your End Of Semester Positivity Checklist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

We’re now on the home stretch…the semester is almost over. The weather is finally getting nice and the anticipation for summer is at an all-time high. Now, getting motivated for all those final assignments and papers seems like the hardest thing ever; when all you really want to do is sit around pants-less watching Netflix. However, this is not the time to slack, this is the time to work harder to get the grades you want and enjoy your last few weeks on campus. It’s easy to sit around and sulk, as your projects are piling up on you, but if you change your attitude, you can change your outcomes. 


The Law of Attraction can help you get through these final weeks. The thoughts you put out into the universe shape your reality, so avoid saying things like “I’m so gonna fail this exam” and “dude, I literally cannot deal with this semester.” What will happen is you WILL fail that exam and you WON’T be able to deal with the semester. If you do catch yourself thinking or saying these things, hit the cancel button in your mind and rephrase to “these exams are gonna be so easy” and “this will literally be the best semester.”

Here are a few more things to put on your positivity checklist for the next few weeks.

1.     Make a Goal List

Write down a list of 10 things that you want to accomplish before the end of the semester. Example:

1.     All A’s

2.     Go on a date with that cute guy/girl from your Chem class

3.     Make peace with your roommate

You get the point. Write it down, look at it every day, believe it will happen and it will be yours.

2.     Visualize Your Goals

See yourself celebrating your A’s and on that date with your crush. Capture the feeling of meeting your goals and act as if you’ve already accomplished them.

3.     Create Your Own Mantra

Think of a phrase or word to tell yourself when the negative thoughts start to invade your brain. I use “stay strong Jaz.” It may even be lyrics from a song. Think of that song that gets you excited and sing the lyrics or, even better, listen to the song. My “go-to” song is “Grown Woman” by Beyoncé. Trust me, that song will get you hype for any test or party (don’t judge me; it’s a Bey hive thing).

4.     Put Yourself On a No-Complain Diet

I recently attempted a “7-Day No Complain” challenge and although I only lasted for two days (don’t judge me again), I could see the benefits of controlling my thoughts and words. I’d tell you what broke my challenge, but I don’t want to insult Mrs. E’s lunch menu. Set a reasonable goal and try to catch yourself before you complain about anything, even the weather.

The last few weeks of the semester can be stressful, but they can also be fun, memorable and rewarding. Study hard and think positive. It’s all up to you.