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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Dating shows are the water to my cooler; the pool to my bathing suit; the tajín to my watermelon. These reality shows fill a void in me that I never knew I had to fill. Now, I know what most of you are thinking: it isn’t reality, it’s fake. They are all paid to act a certain way. I wish I cared about that stuff, I really do. Bottom line is that I could be having the worst day of my life and an episode of a dating show at night would make my day amazing. 

Here are the reasons I watch dating shows and why you should too:

There are always attractive people on the show

I am a firm believer that everyone is hot. HOWEVER, these dating shows are so different. Each cast member has been a Greek god or goddess in their past life. They are built so well and the makeup is always on point. I am a sucker for eye candy—especially when it is free to watch. How could you even resist?

I am single and ready to fake mingle

One thing about me is I am single (maybe even MORE single than a pringle). I like it this way but watching a dating show while you’re single is like online dating without the embarrassment and effort being put in. Now that’s ideal! I can make my opinions and judgment on men without being blindsided by rose-colored glasses and it. feels. powerful.

I find what I do and don’t like in people

They say you create good habits by observing people’s bad habits and it is so true. Dating shows allow me to look at someone and think Huh. They suck for that. But also, let me learn from that. Now, I know what not to do. It’s called building your own character. Get with the program.

I need fake drama in my life

I haven’t always been drama free, but at this point in my life, I have dealt with enough crazy to the point where I am completely content with living a peaceful life. That being said, life gets boring, and there isn’t a better way to add some spice into your life than watching reality TV. There are cat fights, boyfriend drama, love triangles, and more, and it is so juicy!  I said what I said. (You could create your own drama but I would advise against that. Please proceed with caution). 

Gives great outfit inspiration

Dating shows and outfits go together like peas in a pod. The outfits are always on point. Whether it’s business casual or pool day vibes, there is so much variety. I love picking out every person’s outfit of the day and rating it. I am not much of a fashion expert myself so I usually love anything anyone wears, but if I have an opinion, it will be heard. You call it judgment…I call it Tyra Banks. 

It is cringeworthy but in a good way

You know when something is so unbearable to watch that it makes you want to watch it even more. That’s me with dating shows. It is a train wreck but you just can’t look away. Something about seeing guys flex their muscles and talk about how they like girls that have a “personality” while doing some dumb dance move itches a part of my brain. It really is unexplainable but it does something to me!

Hopefully, if you are not someone who watches dating shows, these reasons have influenced you to start. If you are someone who watches dating shows religiously like me, then welcome to the club and we are glad to have you! Dating shows are so versatile and there really is something for everyone!

I am a college student interested in Human Biology and Creative Writing. In my free time, I love writing poetry and I cover topics such as mental health, racism, global, and social justice issues! Being a writer for her campus inspires me to keep writing!