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What to do and not to do as a customer, from a retailers perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

The holidays are coming up and you know what that means, LOTS of shopping. Everybody loves shopping for their family, friends and themselves but shopping during the holidays can be very frustrating. Every store is always packed with customers and finding what you are looking for can take some time. Having worked at a retailer during the holiday season, I have some do’s and don’ts when it comes to shopping during the holidays.

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Do look for deals and coupons before you go shopping. Lots of shopping malls and stores have bad wifi and trying to find connection when you are at the checkout counter holds up other people in line. 

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Don’t shuffle through a pile of clothes and completely destroy the display. Folding clothes such as t-shirts, jeans and other clothing takes a lot of time to fold and look presentable for you. Even if you can’t fold the clothes exactly the way they were, make them look nice and not just a pile of clothes on a table. This makes it hard for other customers to find clothes and takes more time for the retailers to fold. It is frustrating when you are trying to find the right size through a big pile of clothes. 

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Do give the clothes you tried on in the fitting rooms to an employee to put away. By giving the clothes you do not want to purchase to an employee, they can organize and put them away quickly. By leaving them in the dressing room, employees have to take more time to clean your fitting room for the next customer. 



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Don’t stay in the store past closing time. Some people like to shop late, but employees want to go home. Most retailers during the holiday season have to take inventory at least once a week. If you stay past closing time, that just adds on to how much longer they have to stay and close. Just don’t do it. 

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Do ask employees for help. Whether you need another size or you have a question about what you are looking for. Employees love to help you, that is what they are there for. Don’t assume they are always trying to sell you stuff. 


I hope that some of these do’s and don’ts will help you with your holiday shopping this year. Or you could just surpass all of this and shop online. Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!


I am a junior at the University of Kansas. Studying Strategic Communications with a minor in Marketing. I am a Michigan Native! I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, attending basketball games, and writing for HerCampus!