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Tips for Attending a Wedding (and what to wear)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

It’s that time of year again when weddings come about. Many of us are at that point in life when our friends are getting hitched. I just photographed a good family friends wedding and thought I would share the cute dresses and colors that are in this spring. Here are some tips every woman should know about before attending a wedding.

1.This is the most obvious tip and I hope everyone already knows this. DO NOT wear anything that is predominantly white. Even if there is another color in it, don’t do it. You don’t want to upstage the bride.

2.Try and find out what the bridesmaids will be wearing. You don’t want to show up in the same colors looking like part of the wedding party!

3.Do not get drunk the night before, even if you are not in the wedding party. Weddings are loud and full of energy and if you drink the night before you will be the only one without energy.

4.Bring an extra pair of shoes. If you are wearing stilettos you are going to want some flats by the end of the night. Most of the time, the girls drop their shoes at the reception. No one wants to dance in platform heels. Also, the DJ will get the guests involved by playing some games.

5.Bring a hair tie. It gets really hot by the end of the night from all the dancing. And sometimes you get alcohol spilled on you.

6.Sign the guest sheet. Sometimes the bride and groom have a hard time remembering who all came to the wedding.

7.Have fun and take pictures. You might get the candid shots that the professional photographer didn’t get.

Laura Lyndall Fagen is a junior at the University of Kansas majoring in Strategic Communications and Theater. She is a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters and loves all things volunteering.