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The ULTIMATE List to Make Sure You Get the Most Out of Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Oh, autumn. One day a crisp oak leaf crinkles underneath my boot and the next, my toes freeze from last night’s snow storm. One day we’re stampeding into football stadiums and the next we’re cuddled on couches rewatching Christmas films. All this is to say, fall goes by fast. Not only does the cool weather turn frigid too soon, but the business of school can easily make us push fall activities to the side. All year long we romantize this season only to cast it aside when it approaches us. What follows in this article is my personal acummulated list of the most essential characteristics of fall that you need to jump on this season.


  • Pumpkin Patches— The ultimate fall photo opp. Grab some besties or your boo, throw on a flannel, and post on the Gram with a basic white girl funny caption like “givin em pumpkin to talk about!” Bonus points if you actually buy a pumpkin and carve it.
  • Football games— Football, the game, is horrendous. It’s long and slow and just meatheads ramming their bodies at each other. So why is it on this list? The game day parties! The social atmosphere mixed with the numerous plates of appetizers makes it paradise. (Side note: Watch parties make the best parties because there is never nothing to do. There is no awkward silence or pressure to dance. You can be just as involved in the party by watching the TV as you are standing and talking to someone.)
  • Study Cram Sessions— Are you really a college student if you don’t walk out of library past midnight at least once a semester? I fully believe in pacing yourself and not procrastinating. But sometimes, the only way to pump out two midterms is under the fluorescent lights of a campus library.
  • Movies— Two genres come to mind here: horror and rom-coms. Complete opposites I know, but don’t they both give fall vibes? Movies like Edward Scissorhands or The Nightmare on Elm Street give the ultimate October spooks! They’re perfect for a movie night with your SO. But watching Meg Ryan struggle to find love in When Harry Met Sally or You’ve Got Mail gives September/November fall vibes.


  • Sweaters— cozy couture is always the way to go. Chunky sweaters give you the hours long hug you crave all summer. Thrifted sweaters are a personal favorite, but really any muted fall color with light-wash jeans or leggings is a safe bet.
  • Candles— RIP to Yankee Candle stores all over the nation. The candle industry will never be the same without you. Thank god we we still have Bath and Body Works. Anything to get your home artificially reeking of autumn can fulfill this portion of fall vibes. So whether it’s a candle, wax melts, or essential oils, make sure to treat your nose to some fall smells.
  • Playlist— If you don’t think fall has a soundtrack, think again. To me it’s pretty synonymous with the soundtrack of any coming-of-age film or Taylor Swift’s Evermore. Everybody can have a different interpretation of what tunes sound like fall, but if you’re needing some ideas to jump off from, check out this HerCampus KU playlist compilated by the HC girlies ourselves:)!

food and drink

  • Pumpkin Spice Latte— I promise I’m not a white millennial mom that worships PSL and counts down the days until it makes its return to coffee shop menus. But I’d be lying to say I don’t indulge in a sweet coffee treat a few times out of the season. As a person who drinks coffee year round, pumpkin spice is special because it’s only available part time. Its success is not only because of its flavor but also because of its rarity. Snag a PSL while you can.
  • Soup— Curling up with a Panera soup on a rainy day is my idea of self care. The warmth of a cup of soup nourishes my soul in a way no other food does. It’s filling, it’s seasonal, and it’s easy to make. All in all, soup is a 10/10 for me.
  • Reese’s— Halloween and Easter are the two times a year we’re blessed with the pumpkin-shaped and egg-shaped Reese’s that have the ideal ratio of peanut butter to chocolate. Buy them up now, or wait until the restock in April.
  • Halloween Oreos— My hot take: the best Oreo is not the golden Oreo, the double stuffed Oreo, or the Oreo thins. It’s the orange Halloween Oreo. I can’t explain why this toxic pad of unnatural orange died crème pinned between two cartoon bat cookies snaps me into immense fall joy, but it does. So if you’re looking for a cheap gas station snack to grab on the way to your late night study session, consider splurging on the Halloween Oreos.
Junior studying English with a minor in Spanish at the University of Kansas. Enneagram 2w3 who is a lover of snacks, big dogs, books, and Matthew McConaughey.